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VirtualBox Guest Additions

I always forget how to setup VirtualBox Guest Additions so decided to actually take some notes to simplify the process next time. The docs on their site are great, but there are too many links so I needed something a little more direct.  I needed the "for dummie's" version.. So, here it is.. Why Guest Additions? For me the shared clipboard and seamless mode make working in the VM less of a hassle so they are essential.  There are also some other usefull features you can read about in the manual . Installing Guest Additions on Ubuntu Guest Update the system... # sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y Prepare the system with kernel modules   # sudo apt install kbuild linux-headers-$(uname -r) Insert the Guest Additions iso Mount the Guest Additions iso # sudo mkdir -p /mnt/cdrom # sudo mount /dev/cdrom /mnt/cdrom # sudo /mnt/cdrom/ Enable shared clipboard Reboot the system # sudo reboot now And th...

Tor Relay Install Guide

With the whole world shutting down brick and mortar locations and trying to social distance I'm wondering what hits individual privacy will take... I have a raspberry pi collecting dust so I figured I could put it to use as a Tor relay.   *Note - this build is in progress and not complete * What is Tor? If you are not familiar with Tor, it is an online privacy service that routes traffic through multiple servers and encrypts it each step of the way.   To take advantage of this all users need to do is use a Tor enabled browser like the one offered by the Tor Project, Firefox , Brave , etc.   In their own words, the folks at the Tor project "fight every day for everyone to have private access to an uncensored internet, and Tor has become the world's strongest tool for privacy and freedom online." ( source ) The short version of how this works is that your Tor browser will navigate a course to the internet sites you visit by passing the data through ...